Sunday, July 1, 2012

What is DCF?

You have heard the term DCF and you have wondered "What does it mean?" It stands for Dorothy Canfield Fisher. She was a writer of adult and children's books who lived in Vermont. The DCF Award, named in her honor, is a children's choice award for Vermont students in grades 4-8. It is similar to the Red Clover Award. Every year there is a new list of 30 books. I purchase the books that are marked for 4th and 5th graders. 

Students (4th and 5th only) that want  to participate need to read books on the the newest list.  If you are in 4th grade you must read at least four books and 5th graders must read at least 5 books from the list. You will need to prove to your classroom teacher that you read the books. In April you get to vote for your favorite DCF book.

Click here if you would like to read more about Dorothy Canfield Fisher.


  1. Gail,
    I wonder if we could use this blog as a way to have students post their thoughts about these books and comment to each other using screen names (with practice and supervision of course). Perhaps we could have some prompts available for students to respond to, or we could ask them to review the comments on the dcf blog and then make their own I thought about teaching them in (my) class about quality comments starting with this video created by Mrs Yollis's Third grade class. I suppose I'd need to start with appropriate posts first. What do you think?

    1. Hi Maryann-- Love the ideas you have. Yes, I think all this is possible. Let's work on it. It could be a way a student "proves" they have read the books. I will check out the video you suggested. --Gail
